Canada July 2017 Forecast – with Video
A persistent trough over central Canada will continue into July and help moderate temperatures and bring wetter than normal conditions to parts of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. This pattern is consistent with strong analogue matches with the late 1950’s, and the mid-2000’s that share weak positive ENSO conditions along with a strong positive AMO and warm PDO.
Ridging on the west coast should bring much warmer than normal conditions in July for British Columbia and the foothills of Alberta. The interior of BC, parts of Alberta and the southern border of the Prairies show the first signs of drier weather this summer.
Forecasted July Temperatures (from normals; warm colours are warmer, white is normal)
Forecasted July Precipitation (from normals; blues are wetter, white is normal, yellow is drier)
Watch for a full summer and fall outlook in the days ahead.
For a video that shows some of the techniques used to build this forecast and more detail check out the video on our Youtube Channel.