July 2017 Forecast Update
We are nearly a third of the way into July and so far the forecast remains on track. Below is a map of temperature anomalies to date. BC is on track to have the highest temperatures anomalies and this combined with the expected dry weather is certainly contributing to the dangerous BC Wildfires. (see map below). I included the original forecasts below for reference with no big changes likely in this forecast.
Forecasted July Temperatures (from normals; warm colours are warmer, white is normal)
Forecasted July Precipitation (from normals; blues are wetter, white is normal, yellow is drier)
For those that missed the video that explains the process in generating this long range forecast please watch it here…
Jerry I miss your Radar Imagery, What has happened? All I get now is a message saying the page can’t be found..
For years I’ve been very interested watching the weather systems moving through our Soo- St, Joseph Island area.
Please bring it back if you can.
Thanks Nikki Dingman
Sorry Nikki – this comment was stuck under ‘pending approval’.
I don’t have any radar images on the new site but let me see what I can do.
That image was based on the radar data from Gaylord, Michigan.
It doesn’t do a good job as snow squalls in the winter but does well for storms in the summer.
I will work on it and let you know.